Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chapter Three

Hello again! So we had a wonderful time in Egypt. I bought a bunch of books for a very good price. I just love sales. And I always find the best sales. I love the smell of books.

I was also able to do a little adventuring of my own.


And some money to add to our funds. This trip did put us a little behind.
Carly spent most of her time visiting tombs, and getting creeped out from the noises in the tombs.
Allen stayed at the camp site most of the time reading. Occasionally he would visit the bookshop when I was there to chat with the book shop owner.
Two weeks after we returned home Allen found out where babies came from. Carly and I are still uncomfortable with the talk so I bought a ton of books on the subject. I keep researching topics on how to talk to kids about it but I just can't do it.
A month after that Carly told me that her teacher had asked her if she could travel to France to give her cousin one of her inventions. The teacher even offered to pay for all of us to go! Apparently her family was loaded. Carly said yes and later surprised us with the news, and so we traveled to France. Carly sold her invention, which she didnt show me so I do not know what it is, and she spent the rest of our stay chatting to a guy at the market.

 I think she fell in love, but she still hasnt told me. She even decided to try her hand at making juice!

We returned home, and time passed on by. We went to school, did our homework, and tried to make friends. Then the day came. Carly and I were turning eighteen!

First up was me. 

Next up was Carly.

After celebrating with cake we immediately decided to change the way we looked.

"You look wonderful Carly!"
"So do you. I definitely feel better in what I'm wearing!" Carly laughed.

We decided we wanted to go out and have some fun, so Allen went over to his friends house to spend the night, and Carly and I went in search of fun. But all we found was the Red Rendevous, which was a bit... Lets face it, the place was a dud. So we went on home, and had a little fun there instead.

Something is still missing though...
I've never been in love.

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