Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chapter Two Continued

Allen discovered a new hobby!

I almost got robbed today!”Allen announced.
“what do you mean?” Carly shrieked.
“There was a robber at the park! He was carrying a bag full of money. I swear he almost grabbed the money out of my money jar!”
Kids and their stories. But just in case. I caught Carly’s eye. We need to keep a closer eye on him.
Carly nodded, sensing what I wasn’t going to say out loud.

The stove broke somehow, so I made Carly call a repairman instead of her trying to fix it herself. So we had leftovers. We have leftovers very often. Allen decided to work on his logic skill by using chess on the laptop.

I decided to interrupt his chess playing by announcing that we would be going to the pool to have a day of fun.

And Carly and I decided to see who could hold their breath the longest at the bottom of the pool.

And I won.
Some woman I have never met decided she wanted to have a little fun and started splashing water in my face. So I did the same to her. Carly even joined in, ignoring her fear of being in crowds. She even challenged the woman to a breath holding contest. But unfortunately she lost.

We spent most of the day at the pool. At eight we started getting tired, so we decided to head home. Allen crashed on the couch, and I decided to catch up on my reading.

 But Allen is so young. He's only in the fifth grade. And he's already trying to make money. I really don't want him to have to worry about money at such a young age. These are the years when he should be playing with friends! He should be having sleep overs. Birthday parties.
Are we doing a good job of raising him?
I know we have some good times. But sometimes there are days where we barely see each other. Allen sometimes paints for hours. And he only goes to bed when we remind him what time it is and that he has school in the morning. He doesn’t need to be told to do his homework, so that’s a good thing. And he doesn’t cause problems. Except for the occasional bad mouthing.

I made enough money from the last sale of one of my sculptures. So we might be able to take a trip. But where to? And we would have to take it easy on the souvenirs. And hopefully we wouldn’t have to spend much money on a place to sleep. I have heard about a camp where we wouldn’t have to pay much money to sleep. And they provide food.

So I talked to Carly about it, and she agreed that we should take a trip. But we needed to do a little research first. Thankfully I had already gotten the three of us to go get our passports a few months ago just in case. I checked on the internet to find cheap flights. And then I checked to see what the cost was if we were to use the camp. Ten simoleans each for who would be staying there. We can afford that. Unfortunately we would be paying 600 simoleans for the flight. Thankfully that included the flight back home.

Carly and I decided where we would go. We'd surprise Allen On Monday. We'd be leaving in two weeks. I grabbed my cell phone and made the flight plans, and put a reservation at the camp. I'd be paying a lot of money for that phone call.

Goodbye Riverview. Hello Egypt.

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